Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ups and Downs and All My Children

The ups: not cleaning, not cooking, all the TV I can watch. The downs: not cleaning, not cooking, all the TV I can watch and of course, not gardening. I truly have a serious addiction to TV. I really hate it when I miss my soap. Yes, you read right - my soap opera (All my Children). I swear it's the only one. At least it's the politically correct soap. They deal with some real issues like women and heart disease, rehabilitation that really works in the prison system, they had the first lesbian kiss, adoption, rape, etc. Please don't judge me for watching a soap, but feel free to judge me for being addicted to all TV!

I screwed up and over-did things a few days ago and my back got extremely swollen and I could hardly move for a few days. BUT overall, I can't believe how well I'm coming along. I think the drive to Utah will be no problem - maybe a little stiff and sore. It's kind of weird to think that after my back rehab, I will all better. That is, except for the migraines which, by the way, have gone down way down since Sigmund was removed. The migraines are actually not a big issue because the Imitrex almost always takes care of them within a few hours. If the only medical problem I am left with is migraines, I will be happier that a pig in sh*t!

Bonnie took the photos of our beautiful tree (I think it's a flowering crab-apple). This is year the blooms are out of control! Better than any other year since we've been here. Bonnie is picking Dundee and I up in a little while for a walk - part of my therapy. I'm so grateful for Bonnie she is such a light in my life, always has a smile for me and is so good to Smokey when Gus and I travel. We have a lot in common including some major medical issues went through years ago. She's had some great advice for me.

Well, I must get ready for our walk!

Until next time...

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