Thursday, October 30, 2008


We made a quick trip down the 101 to Cali and couldn't back fast enough! I swear, as soon as we crossed the border 2 lanes turned to 4 and we had two 15 minute road constcuction stops. Lot's of hitch-hikers looking all methed-out. Front page of the local Crescent City paper was "...big meth bust". Signs everywhere saying "DON'T LEAVE VALUABLES UNATTENDED!" If you're not doing 10 over the speed limit - watch out - people there are impantient. We made it all the way to HSU (which I attended for a semester) before tucking tail and heading north.

A little Harsh, maybe, but condersider that we've been in Ogegon for two weeks and aclimated quite nicely. We love the pace, the ocean, Mo, the lack of McMansions, the scones and the LACK OF PEOPLE!

We were so happy to be in the land of mellow. I know every place has it's problems but I feel prefer Orgeon. We've had the best weather and the people are really friendly.

Gotta run for now! here's some pics.

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