Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A New Beginning

I know it sounds cheesey but it's true. This is a new beginning for me. Today Doc Teuber gave me a clean bill of help. Very successful surgery and I'm allowed to do anything but lift. I can garden, belly dance, clean the litter box, cook, clean, go on a 1.2 mile walk (actually I did that yesterday with Bonnie and Dundee - FANTISTIC time, beautiful limestone cliffs, butterflies by the thousands swirling madly about, nothing but GREEN and wildflowers everywhere, and of course, great company.

I digress...for the first time in more years than I care to remember, besides the migraines, I have no health issues holding me back (still have some mental ones!). I'm really looking forward to physical therapy, seriously. I want be Bionic-Bisected Woman - my muscles are stronger than ever and as soon I hear the starting gun, I will be off and "running" with my Physical Therapist and my favorite P.T.A., B.B.

Okay here comes the scary part of the post. I have and will still have some pain for up to 4 - 6 months. And just one week of pain pills left... that was one of the main objective of the surgery, to no longer need the meds. Yes, they helped immensely over the years. Hell, they helped do create these gardens by myself and grow the food and even draw:
I wouldn't have been able to do any of those things without taking pain meds - my back just couldn't handle it. But now that surgery corrected the problem, next spring I will able to garden (and belly dance) with little pain and WITHOUT pain meds. I will always be grateful that I had meds when I needed them but that time has passed. Don't worry, I've been tapering for five weeks.

Blue skies are folowing me, nothing but blue skies are all I see... (W.N.)


Anonymous said...

Well HELLO?!! Where have I been? Look at all of the posts you've done lately here. SO SO SO HAPPY for you, Laney! I'm so glad the surgery has helped and seems to be worth the pain. Can't wait to see you. We'll throw the ball and you can run after it in the backyard like Dundee! :)

Anonymous said... when are you oging to update your blog with how you are doing???